Alaska Veterans Museum

Military History – Veteran’s Stories

Ready for fun?!

2019 AVM Fundraiser was awesome!!

4:00 PM
Eagle River Lions Club
Everyone Welcome
Gun raffle, live music, auction, door prizes
Adult beverages available 

Join us for a boot-stompin’, hat wavin’ good time!
The AVM will be servin’ up a good old Southern BBQ catered by Smokehouse BBQ.
On the menu: Ribs, smoked chicken, baked beans, pineapple coleslaw, potato salad, cornbread w/honey butter, cold drinks, and dessert.
Beer and wine bar available.
Adults $35.00
Children (under 10) $20.00

* Membership meeting is from 3:00-3:45 PM, followed by BBQ, live music, auction, gun raffle and door prizes.